
The area covered by the Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area is a busy place! Throughout the year, there is a lot going on, and you are our special guests to take part in all the activities. Use the calendar below to review all upcoming events, or check our listing of events.

We hope to see you soon!

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Upcoming Events

The Underground Railroad in Livingston County
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

A review of the Underground Railroad in Livingston County, Illinois. Program includes information about two different routes that were used in Livingston County including a map of one of the routes. Program includes the names and locations of about 15 people who were either Conductors on the Underground Railroad or were strong Abolitionists that supported the Underground Railroad.

Dale C. Maley is the President of the Livingston County Historical Society and Vice-President of the Fairbury Echoes Museum. Dale has researched and written over 350 newspaper history stories about Fairbury history and also over 25 books about various aspects of Livingston County history. Dale often gives historical presentations to civic groups in Livingston, Ford, and McLean counties.

This program will livestream on Looking for Lincoln's Facebook page and YouTube Channel. The event is FREE.

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The Presumption of Freedom: The Illinois Supreme Court and the Fate of Slavery in Illinois
Wednesday, May 21, 2025 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Though Illinois entered the Union as a free state in 1818, slavery continued to exist within its borders for decades. Freedom seekers, abolitionists, and pro-slavery forces turned to the judicial system to determine the fate of slavery in Illinois. This talk will highlight several of the nearly two dozen slave cases that reached the Illinois Supreme Court and examine the Court’s role in ending slavery in the Prairie State.

John Lupton, Executive Director, Illinois Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission. Samuel Wheeler, Director of History Programs, Illinois Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission.

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