Home of one of Looking for Lincoln’s 2015 Signature Events, the Lincoln Days Civil War Reenactment in June, Pittsfield and Pike County is proud to share its Lincoln heritage. All three of President Lincoln’s secretaries hailed from Pike County, and he counted many folks from the area among his friends. The homes of many of those friends are still standing. You can enjoy the stories and learn more about these early Pittsfield residents by taking the Talking Houses of Pittsfield tour. While most of the homes are still inhabited today, one small home, the Shasdid House has been restored and is now open for tours. Stop by the Pittsfield Welcome Center while you’re in town. They’re open M – F, from 8:30 am – 5 pm.
For more information:
Abe Lincoln Project/Looking for Lincoln in Pike County
P.O. Box 62
Pittsfield, IL 62363
8th Judicial Circuit
Friends of Lincoln
Good for Kids
Guided/Self-Guided Tours
Historic House
Historic Site
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Passport Site
Route 66
Top Destination
Underground Railroad
Visitor Information
Wayside Exhibit
Nearby Sites