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Stephenson County Visitor Center
4596 US-20 Freeport, Illinois 61032

Our mission is to provide the best hospitality service to visitors and residents and help them find the destination they are seeking in Stephenson County and beyond.

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum
212 N. 6th St. Springfield, Illinois 62701

This state-of-the-art facility was carefully designed with exacting historical detail. Amazingly well-preserved artifacts tell the entire life story of our nation's 16th President. Dedicated to the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln, the Presidential Museum, unlike any other in the U.S., features high-tech exhibits, interactive displays, and multimedia programs, as well as a reproduction of the White House as it looked in 1861.
The holographic and special effects theaters will entertain, educate and mesmerize you with ghostly images, live actors and high action. Witness the 1860 Presidential Election as though it were happening today, complete with television news coverage and campaign commercials. Items from the institution's world-class Lincoln Collection, numbering in the tens of thousands, are exhibited on a rotating basis in the Museum's Treasures Gallery, including an original hand-written copy of the Gettysburg Address, the evening gloves in President Lincoln's pocket the night he was assassinated, and the quill pen used to sign the Emancipation Proclamation.

Bryant Cottage State Historic Site
146 E. Wilson St. Bement, Illinois 61813

Bryant Cottage was built in 1856 by Francis E. Bryant (1818-1889), a friend and political ally of Senator Stephen A. Douglas. According to Bryant family tradition, on the evening of July 29, 1858, Douglas and Abraham Lincoln conferred in the parlor of this house to plan the famous Lincoln-Douglas Debates.

David Davis Mansion State Historic Site
1000 E. Monroe Drive Bloomington, Illinois 61701

A visit to Judge David Davis' estate offers a glimpse into the lives of the wealthy and powerful of his day. Davis, friend and mentor to Abraham Lincoln, served as a United States Supreme Court Justice and was a key contributor during Lincoln's bid for the 1860 Presidential nomination. The Davis Mansion, completed in 1872, combines Italianate and Second Empire architectural features and is a model of mid-Victorian style and taste. His Bloomington home, which remained in the Davis family for three succeeding generations, provided a focal point for the social, cultural and political life of the community. The mansion contains elegant furnishings and the most modern conveniences of the era. Call or visit the website for more information.

Historic Nauvoo
290 N. Main Street Nauvoo, Illinois 62354

In 1839, early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—called “Mormons”—established this place of peace and beauty on a great bend in the Mississippi River. Today, Nauvoo is one of America’s premier historic communities. Visitors can explore more than 30 historic sites from the 1839-1846 time period all year long!

Lincoln Heritage Museum
1115 Nicholson Rd Lincoln, Illinois 62656

Located on the campus of the only college named for Lincoln in his lifetime, the Lincoln Heritage Museum exhibits a rare and valuable collection of artifacts that tell the story of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln. The museum houses many rare Lincoln artifacts, including an 1860 campaign poster, a lock of his hair, Mary Lincoln's jewelry and Tad Lincoln's rocking chair.

Lincoln Home National Historic Site
413 S. 8th St Springfield, Illinois 62701

In 1861, Abraham Lincoln left the only home he ever owned to serve as the 16th President of the United States. The Lincoln Home is completely restored to its 1860 appearance and reveals much about Lincoln as a husband, father, neighbor and politician. Tours of this national treasure are conducted by National Park Service Rangers.
Free tickets are required for house tours and may be obtained at the Lincoln Home Visitors Center – which also houses a scaled model of 1860 Springfield.
A variety of historic exhibits are located throughout the four-block neighborhood surrounding the Lincoln Home and can be viewed on a self-guided basis.

Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site
400 S. Lincoln Hwy Rd. Lerna, Illinois 62440

Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site, part of the Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area, preserves the 19th-century home of Thomas Lincoln and Sarah Bush Lincoln, father and step-mother of our 16th president. Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer living in Springfield by the time his parents moved here, but his burgeoning law practice often brought him to Charleston and the farm, especially during the 1840s. Abraham Lincoln also owned a portion of the farm which he deeded back to his father and step-mother for their use during their lifetime.
Today Lincoln Log Cabin is an 86-acre historic site that is owned and operated by the State of Illinois, managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Sites. The site includes an accurate reproduction of the Lincolns’ two-room cabin that was reconstructed on the original cabin site in 1935-1936 as a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) project. The National Park Service oversaw the creation of Lincoln Log Cabin State Park with CCC labor. The CCC camp, Camp Shiloh, was located within the park’s boundaries and its enrollees were WWI veterans. Today the ten acres in the northwest corner of the park where Camp Shiloh was located is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
A working, living history farm has been developed around the cabin, and a second historic farmstead, that of Stephen and Nancy Sargent, has been moved to the site to help broaden visitors’ understanding both of life in the 19th century and Lincoln’s legal practice in the community. The site also includes the Moore Home, where Lincoln bid farewell to his family in 1861 before leaving to assume the Presidency, and the gravesites of Thomas and Sarah Lincoln at the Thomas Lincoln Cemetery.
Don't miss the yearly 'Harvest Frolic' event, held each fall at the site. The event is free and open to the public, demonstrating 19th-century life on the farm. Activities will take place at both the Lincoln and Sargent farms and will include children's games, crafts, and hearth cooking. Visitors are encouraged to take part in period games and activities, and maybe even get their photo with President Lincoln. A number of artisans will be on site demonstrating their crafts including, spinning, pottery, broommaking, blacksmithing, embroidery, and many other 19th-century crafts.

Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site
1500 Monument Ave. Springfield, Illinois 62701

Within the walls of this stunning granite monument is the final resting place of Abraham Lincoln, his wife, Mary and three of their four sons. (Lincoln’s oldest son, Robert, is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.)
Designed by famed sculptor, Larkin Mead, and completed in 1874, this beautiful landmark is nestled in Oak Ridge Cemetery.
At the entrance to the Tomb itself, there is a bronze bust of Mr. Lincoln where visitors from around the world have stopped to rub the nose of the statue for good luck.

Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site
15588 History Ln Petersburg, Illinois 62675

Go back nearly two centuries in time as you walk the streets of reconstructed New Salem, the village where Abraham Lincoln lived as a young man. See where he split rails, clerked in a store and served as postmaster, among other positions that influenced him to eventually become the Great Emancipator. Watch and interact as history comes to life through the costumed characters of the people who lived here more than 150 years ago.
Engaging special events, including music festivals and candlelight tours, take place throughout the year at Lincoln's New Salem.
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