His Friends Rest Here
Many of Lincoln’s personal and political friends are buried in Woodland Cemetery, and Camp Wood, Quincy’s first Civil War army camp, was located nearby. Learn about these friends, the army camp, Lincoln’s soldiers buried here, and the historical significance of Quincy’s oldest active cemetery, which retains the original topography of the town.
Looking for Exhibits Wayside Exhibits related to Quincy in the Lincoln Era are located at 18 sites. The exhibits provide details about Lincoln, events, local people, and environment that contributed to Lincoln's Quincy story.
Guide to Lincoln's Quincy: https://seequincy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lincoln-in-quincy_web_2016.pdf
Visitor Information
Address: 1020 S 5th St. (Triangle Inside Cemetery Entrance) Quincy, Illinois 62301