Quincy's Early Environment
Timbered hills, tall prairie grasses, ravines, creeks, and springs were found in Quincy in Lincoln’s time. Originally called “Bluffs,” the town grew along the eastern bank of the Mississippi and on the heights above. Learn about the geographic features and the plentiful wildlife during Quincy’s formative years. Enjoy a visitor’s description in 1848 of the town on the bluff, and find out why Illinois has long been known as the “Sucker” state.
Looking for Exhibits Wayside Exhibits related to Quincy in the Lincoln Era are located at 18 sites. The exhibits provide details about Lincoln, events, local people, and environment that contributed to Lincoln's Quincy story.
Guide to Lincoln's Quincy: https://seequincy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lincoln-in-quincy_web_2016.pdf
Visitor Information
Address: 1601 Maine St. Quincy, Illinois 62301